Monday, August 3, 2009

Where'd that come from?

On Friday night, I acquiesced to my guild's call for a healer in Ulduar25. I had the time and was just putzing around on Vanco.

Let me tell you, that vehicle fight was more fun than I thought it would be. I was a gunner on a Demolisher, so I shot down helicopters, blew up ground troops (I got the Dwarfaggedon acheivement), and picked off pyrite. I also gathered up pyrite for Flame Leviathan. It was pretty fun!

We then went on to one shot Razorscale. I made sure to keep out of the way and keep up the raid (I was assigned to raid healing).

We then proceeded to wipe on Ignis. I was on slag-pot healing, and I must say, I was pretty fail at it. Most of my problems stemmed from not knowing the people in the raid and their class. See, my Healbot addon has the bars color coded, so finding a DK or a Priest or any other class is pretty simple as I have the class colors memorized.

But, when I see the raid warning of So-and-So gets put in the slag-pot, and I don't know what class So-and-So is, then I have to look at the names on Healbot. By the time I had found my target, they were already taking significant damage, and I wasn't able to get off a saving heal. Of course, I should have been ready to "flash heal, flash heal, flash heal" instead of "renew, greater heal", which is my default.

So, yeah, I might also have done "frisbee, circle of healing, flash heal" to take advantage of my instant heals. I'll have to remember that if I go again.

Yeah, IF, I go again. I refused to go to Ulduar10 on Saturday and Sunday as I didn't have the time. I'm not sure if the group found a healer or not, but I will not be sucked into doing raids just because they need my class.

For some reason, I decided to drag out Daxe and do some questing. I collected up and finished all the Colderra quests, including a Nexus run last night. I healed a group of three DK's and a Druid tank; yay, all melee!

I ended up drinking after almost every fight because my mana regen just isn't very much, but we didn't have any wipes or deaths, so I was pretty happy about that.

What I really need to do is get Nitrodax out and about so I can be D/Eing those quest rewards and getting to a level where I can start soloing some Outlands instances to D/E stuff as well as Northrend instances to start collecting more Dream Shards.

/sigh, lots to do, lots to do...

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