Friday, August 7, 2009

For the Record

I am wondering why, in all this healthcare debate, the current administration isn't holding up the stellar examples of what nationalized healthcare in America is today.

Examples like the military system...oh, wait a minute.

Well, there's the VA....oh, yeah well, perhaps not....

The Indian Health Services? Riiiiiiiiiight.....

Medicare? aka Fraud, Waste, and Abuse - aid....

Well, hell! Maybe all these people who are protesting might have looked at the failures in the current government systems, and then figured that the same might, just might, happen to our healthcare system if the government were to take it all over.

Hmmmm...ya think? Personally, I have experienced both #1 and #2 and can attest to the fact that both systems are not only far behind their counterparts in the private sector, but also have been specifically designated by myself to my wife as "do not ever take me there for medical care" places. And yes, I work at a VA, and I still feel that way about where I work.

Remember, there is nothing so screwed up that can't be screwed up further by government involvement.

(and yes, I realize that this particular post may touch some raw nerves; while it is not my intent to inflame or incite anybody over this subject, I figured I'd go on record about what I think and hopefully, those people who are funding these protests will see my post and throw some cash my way!)

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