Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Yesterday, I took the day off to let my ankle have a rest. I'm not sure what I did to it, but it was really sore at the end of the work day on Monday, so I called in sick on Tuesday to hopefully let it heal some. It feels a lot better today, so the rest did it good.

I was happy to see that there were only rolling restarts on the WoW front, and I spent the day doing dailies on DV and Daxie. It turns out that Daxie hadn't done the Sons of Hodir questline yet, so I got her up to speed in order to start their dailies.

My current goal ingame is to buy epic flying for Daxie. She currently has two epic mounts - a bronze dragon from a Culling of Strathome timed run and an epic flying carpet that she made, but she can't use them because she doesn't have epic flying. Boo hoo.

And, with the latest patch, cold weather flying became an heirloom, so I shelled out 4 grand to get Daxe, Rysteranch, Nitrodax, and Vanco up to flying in Northrend. I still have Smoochie without flying in Northrend, but she can wait.

Then there's the matter of buying dual specs. Daxe and Vanco already have them, and I'll only need them for my 4 hunters if I plan on PvPing with them. That leaves Daxie as a viable candidate for a Holy/Shadow dual spec. Well, and Daxynn, she's (still) 39 and could really use a prot/ret dual spec if I ever decide to level her. I'm not sure where that is on the priority list.

I did a little calling around and found that there's a WoW TCG group that meets in Greenwood on Wednesdays at 7 pm, so I may go to that for some games and lots of help with building my decks. But, already, I'm choosing the real WoW over the card WoW....

(Next post will be my 500th. fyi)

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