Thursday, December 3, 2009

I have a life...really, I do...

I put it off for a long time, but I finally downloaded the addon Allplayed, which tracks the aggregate amount of time that your characters have totaled in the wonderful World of Warcrack.

I had to log in on all of my alts to get the total. The addon subtotals your time for each of your servers and provides a gold amount to boot. much have I played?

Suspense, in a blog post, usually doesn't work because people will just skip to the end. Unless, of course, I don't post the answer in this post and make you all guess in the comments., fagghettaboutit. 224 days.

My most played toon? Daxe the BC raiding priest at 41 days.
The biggest surprise? My bank toon on Kael'thas, a level one pally, has over a day played.

What the addon doesn't do is account for characters that have been deleted. Off the top of my head, I've deleted a 20 druid, 18 warlock, 49 warrior, teens druid, the 8 members of the original team Ryster all in their mid to late teens.

But, really...I do get out once in a while...

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