Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Chasing Gear

I'm 6 badges away from the 75 Triumph hat. I already have my meta cut and just have to figure out what epic gem to slot in the other spot.

After that, I'll need 25 badges for the wand, 30 badges for the T9 gloves, and 45 badges for the DPS shoulders (I have the healing ones.)

Then...I guess I'll be spending Triumph badges for healing gear, while continuing to save my Frost badges for the uber DPS gear.

In other news, I decided to get a Raptor mount for Daxie by grinding out the Darkspear Trolls rep. I dinged Exalted with Orgrimmar on the way and now have a sparkling new orange raptor!

And, since I've already got 3/5 city reps done, I figured I'd just go ahead and pound out TB and UC for the Ambassador title.

Speaking of titles, I did get "the Patient" the other day and also got the "Looking for Multitudes" achievement with the Pug non-combat pet. yay on me.

Yesterday, on the second pull in Gundrak, I hit 7500 DPS. Yes, I screen shotted it; no, I don't have it on me. Maybe I'll post it later. I figured it was AoEing all those little snakes along with the 6 big ones that did it for me.

That's all for now.

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