Thursday, November 19, 2009

/snort! whaaa?


oh. *rubs eyes* Is it time to wake up already? /sigh.

Last night... or was it this morning.../shrug, anyways, some time in the last 24 hours, Daxen hit 22. When she turned twenty, I bought her mount, sent her Daxynn's twinked Heirloom items, and started focusing on leveling her.

I just meant to get her to 20 so she could get the next level in Leatherworking, but I've been enjoying playing a hunter again and just wanted to putz around (she /gquit yesterday morning) without being bothered.

So, now, I'm looking at mailing the gear back and forth between the two toons.

What did I do? I did SFK in a PuG. We steamrollered it even with me running out of arrows for a bit (which is the only reason I didn't top the damage meter). I picked up a nice cloak for my efforts as well as a whole level.

I solo'd RFC. Yeah, at twenty one, it's not such a big deal, but some of the mobs were still green to me. I completed all the quests save one, which I'm kinda kicking myself about now. So, I may have to get back in there.

Jay and I are looking at duoing WC. He has a level 21 druid as well as a level appropriate hunter, I believe, so tonight or tomorrow we'll give that a go. I'm thinking that I'll pick up a Tenacity pet for it.

I'm going to let you all in on a long time dream that I've had that I've never been able to realize: I want at least one of my Blood Elves to have a Raptor mount. There...I said it. Go ahead and ridicule me...belittle me...make fun of me. The stupid bird mount is....stupid.

...a guy's gotta have dreams, ya know....

So, anyways, I'll be doing all the low level quests in Durotar with Daxen to earn that Troll rep. Why does the coolest mount have to be the hardest faction to earn rep with? /sigh.

I did something like this with Nitrodax (don't ask), my BS/Ench hunter. She's a Draenai who earned enough rep by level 40 (when mounts were originally awarded...) to get herself a Darnasty Kitty Cat. rawr! Of course the equivalent of what I'm attempting is for her to have done Gnome rep for the Battle Chicken of Doom mount. w/e.


bruzey said...

Of course you could alternatively grind 30 marks in WSG, AV and AB respectively and get a PVP raptor for your blood elf that way.

Rusty said...

OOOOOOooo, that's a great idea!

So, when can I start playing AV...and what's involved in that BG? Never been there or done that...