Thursday, November 5, 2009

Title goes here

Last night, I got in a fair amount of WoW.

Daxie healed three Heroics and collected a number of badges and Stone thingys. I'm not sure what my badge count is up to, but I'm starting to be hesitant about using my Triumph badges for the Heirloom bow. I'm kind of torn anyways because the Stone thingys will get me the gun, which is better for PvP, but I like the Role Playing aspect of my rogue wielding a bow.

And to top it off, I'll probably have enough badges to get the bow before I get Stonies to buy the gun, unless I go for all Conquest badges...I reckon I'll have to just wait and see.

Daxynn played some Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin, managed to mark herself for death, took down a level 35 Pally all by her lonesome, and got the "Perfect Arathi Victory (or whatever that name is for a 1600-0 win)" achievement.

On the marked for death bit, I seemed to draw a lot of targeting last night...more than usual. Yes, my playstyle tends to get people riled up and yes, Daxynn is still only 31, so I can see why. /shrug.

I also think that getting beat up by a lowbie 31 also has some people wanting to exact some

The way I figure it is if I can occupy two or three people's focus, that's two or three people that aren't engaged in winning the game, which gives our side a distinct advantage. Disruption, confusion, and chaos....I specialize!

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