Friday, September 11, 2009

Fail tank, part II

So, last night after the Uldaur18 run where Daxie participated in killing Flame L and XT, I jumped on Vanco to tank a Heroic Violet Hold with some very well geared guildies.

I LFG'd in Gchat and rounded up the requisite Healer and DPSx3, and off we went!

Pull after pull after pull, the mobs just melted before me. I held aggro pretty well against the raider's DPS, and nobody died! The feral druid did pull aggro a couple of times, but I taunted right back. /pats self on back.

The bosses were just as easy; we got the Void guy and the Water guy. Both of them, as well as the dragon lady, went down very fast. The whole run went ridiculously fast!

I scored a pair of pants and some gloves for my DPS set. And got the achieve The Violet Hold.

Wait, what?


Yeah, the fail tank forgot to set the instance to Heroic.....I kinda felt like I had just killed an ant with a double barreled 12 gauge shotgun....and was proud of my accomplishment.



The Fuzz said...

Been there done that. We got two bosses into UP before we realized it wasn't on Heroic. Oops. At least it wasn't my fault :)

Rusty said...

One of the problems stem from the fact that I never, NEVER, start groups, so someone else is always the one who ensures we're on Heroic mode.

I'd better get used to checking myself now.

The Fuzz said...

Easiest way I find is to remind myself to stop and look at the portal before going in.

Skull = Heroic
No Skull = Regular

Rusty said...

Yeah, it's that reminding part that gets me...old....can't remember all comes with the territory of being me.