Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What a difference a week makes

Dwarfvader is up to 4787 gear score now.

My last emblem purchase was four Crusader's Orbs for the crafted bracers, and my next purchase will be 8(6?) Crusader's Orbs for the crafted chest. After I get the chest, I'll save up for the better shoulders over the T9 ones I have currently.

I'm saving up my Frost badges for the cloak; I have 27, so I'm looking at about two weeks until I can make that purchase assuming I do the daily Heroic, the weekly raid, and no ICC boss kills.

I went to ICC10 for the first time in my life. Teurion and the guild he's part of were having problems filling DPS slots, so he finagled a spot for me. The guild, Hubris, had already cleared a lot of the raid and was working on Rotface.

We took 7, 8, 9? attempts; to tell you the truth, I lost track after 3. I got better at the fight as I learned what was what and was able to execute the proper strategy (stay out of the sticky goo and slime...kite the little ooze so it gets absorbed by the big ooze...dps the boss).

After the 3rd pull into it, I topped the damage meter (I have a screenie), now, before you get all fanboi on me, let me just say it was pure luck - both good and bad.

The bad luck included pulling the entire room after the two abominations (I guess you can pull parts of it at a time) and having the top DPSers die as a result.

The good luck was at least one tank, at least one healer, and a couple DPSers (including me) staying alive, and me having the presence of mind to misdirect every time the cooldown was up and volleying my tush off! Oh, and the tanks and healers doing a heroic job!

Of course, after that pull, my rank dropped steadily until I placed just above the tanks and healers in sixth place. In my defense, I was anywhere from 500 to 1000 gear score below the other DPSers, so, I think I did a respectable job. We did not end up killing the boss, btw.

In other news, I acquired a new project: Jeeves! I found the schematic on a random mechanical in Halls of Lightning. Talk about mats intensive!! It requires 3-4 different repair bots (2-20 of each), 8 Titansteel bars, and two King's ambers. Holy robots, batman! I'll just say that I have something to do while I'm waiting on those LFG's to pop.

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