Tuesday, January 5, 2010

An update of sorts

It's been a while since I updated the status of my characters, so I figured I'd mark this spot in history with what I've been doing and where I'm at.

I joined a guild over on Andorhal: Revelation. It appears to be a laid back social guild with some 10 man raids. I've enjoyed getting to know my new guildies, and they seem to be a good bunch of people. I added Daxie and Daxen to their ranks as those are the toons I'm playing the most; also, I want to keep some "hiding" toons available for being anti-social.

Daxie continues to melt faces, as evidenced by the last post. She just bought her first Frost badge reward - a cloak. I continue to do a daily random dungeon on her as well as try to do the daily Jewelcrafting quest. I'm thinking that I'll try to complete the weekly raid quest on a regular basis, time permitting.

Daxen is up to level 53 and is mostly working on Leatherworking, running random dungeons, and grinding out rep. Currently, she's working on Undercity rep in Tirisfal Glades while waiting for instances to pop. She also has been in Azshara taking down the elite dragons for their skins.

Pretty much all my other toons have been idle. I did do some Engineering and Enchanting on Daxxyn, as well as did her Resurrection quest. I've been saving up Triumph badges for a staff for Daxenos, so he'll be an overgeared healer.

So, what does 2010 have in store for me? Probably more of the same; to wit:

1. I am still enjoying being able to get a group for a level appropriate instance with level appropriate group members. I'm especially enjoying the upper level Oldworld instances and am looking forward to the instances that I haven't spent hardly any time in, including all of Dire Maul, Scholomance, and Stratholme.

2. I still want to max out all the professions on my various toons, so that means playing all of my alts some time in the future to level them in order to level their various profs.

3. Jay, Robin, and my little project hasn't gotten off the ground yet (the one where we take on instances as a threesome); I'm hoping that we can get back to it some time soon. Yes, I've been most of the problem on this issue.

Those are the top three things that I'd like to do this year. I'm sort of in the same mode as I was at the end of Burning Crusade in that I'm hoping the next expansion is farther off than people are predicting. I'm not done with this one yet!

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