Monday, December 15, 2008


Teurion and Daxie haz it.

Daxie hit 73 and is about three bubbles shy of 74. Teurion is still trying to figure out what he's going to do as far as where to stop leveling and switch to leveling VA, but it really doesn't matter to me, I'll tag along either way he goes.

If Teurion, then Daxie.
Else if VA, then Daxe.
Switch How do I feel:
Case "I feel like Ryst": Rysteranch;
Case "I feel like DV": Dwarfvader;
Case "Gimme a Smooch": Smoochie;
Case "Getter dun!": Nitrodax;
Default: Sleep;

From running with the big T, I've learned a couple of things about myself. One of them is that I actually like to read the quest text.

Now, don't get me wrong, I am enjoying the free ride on Teurion's coattails; it's just that my first time through a quest, I'd like to take the time to read and decipher what I'm supposed to do (as well as read the story!). There hasn't been a lot of We do, however, get stuff done quicker...arguably...when we don't need directions....or quest helper isn't borked.

I reckon I'll just have to do that on Rysteranch or DV or whoever is my solo trailblazer...

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