Thursday, July 7, 2011

Thoughts on Stuff

I haven't mentioned World of Warcrack lately; I'm still playing, but I've found that it takes a back seat to pretty much everything nowadays. That's a great thing.

That said, the time I have found to spend in Azeroth has been used to do fishing and cooking dailies...on 2 to 7 toons. It really depends on how much time I have. I try to get Daxynn's (76 Pally) and Daxea's (70 Priest) city dailies done and as of late, the BC dailies. I also try to get my Inscriptionist's Minor research done every day.

Other than that, my two Hunters, Rysteranch 75 and Daxen 71, usually get the call to do their city fishing/cooking dailies, and after that, Daxenos (54 Druid), Daxeo (21 Mage), and Daxone (15 Warrior) all have the same chance to do their dailies.

So, dailies and Auction House scanning make up the lion's share of my play time; I have found time to level my warrior a bit with Jay (Hackadax 15 Warror), run a random or two on Daxea and Daxen, and tank The Old Kingdom on Daxynn (last night!)

I'm not sure what I'll be doing next. I'd like to level each of my toon's professions to at least 425, which should be the Cata starting level. I'll probably start with Blacksmithing, which can provide materials for (dis)Enchanting and a couple of items for Daxynn. I need to get my Jewelcrafter, Daxen, going so I can put gems in the new gear sockets. I also need to get Frostweave cloth so I can level Daxea's tailoring to where she can at least make Frostweave bags; I'm starting to feel the pinch of not enough space on some of my toons.

Then there's my poor little Druid, my Alchemist/Herbalist. I am severely disappointed with the Druid healing changes, and I'm not even thinking about the Tree of Life issue (my feelings on this are that Druids, as shapeshifters, should be able to do their primary job in their shapeshifted form. Cats DPS, Bears Tank, Moonkin DPS, Trees Heal. 'Nuff said.)

Anyways, when I pick a Regrowth over a Nourish for emergency big healing, something is wrong. In my defense, Nourish is slooooooow and only give a small increase over Regrowth, so I hit the Regrowth and even will overwrite an existing Regrowth if Swiftmend is on c/d. I find I'm really missing a fast, medium Heal, and I don't have the HoTs to cover the gap in an emergency.

Of course, I try my best to avoid getting into an emergency in the first place, but I have gotten an undergeared/underleveled tank before, and it can be quite a challenge keeping him/her alive. Oh Lifebloom, level 64 cannot get here fast enough!

And, speaking of Lifebloom, what's all the nonsense about it only affecting ONE target now??? Really? REALLY???? /sigh. I loved that part of Druid healing - keeping the Lifebloom going on all the party when they're taking damage. I liked the proactive component to it rather than the priest/pally reactive response. Oh well, at least I have Wild Growth to deal with it...

Yeah, so I'm not really feelin' the Druid healing, so poor Daxenos just sits or does dailies. The same can be said for my Hunters. I just don't like the playstyle any more for Hunters. There used to be a rhythm to it; now it seems to be just clickyclickyclicky. I suppose I could do some research on how I'm supposed to be playing...sigh.

Now before you think that I'm all negative, I do really like the Pally tank changes! I love soloing as a Pally tank, and while I still find tanking stressful, I can do a decent job at it. Of course, I know all the instances that I've tanked; once I get to the Cata dungeons, I probably get my Priest or Hunter to them so I can learn them as a healer or DPS.

As slow as I'm leveling, though, I wonder if I'll even get to level cap (85) before the next XPac; it's no biggie if I don't; it's just kinda weird.

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