Tuesday, May 24, 2011

More Wowness

I mentioned the other day that I've been questing with my Pally. I just dinged 63 last night and have been having a blast!

I still have a Protection spec, and I really like the survivability of it. I can take on 4 or 5 mobs of my level or one higher with no problems. I could solo the 62 elite rock guys in Hellfire Penn with no issues, and I even soloed the 63 elite demon dude in the Pools of Aggonar. Now, I do have the Heirloom chest and shoulders, so that is a bit of an advantage.

I'm almost finished with Hellfire Penn; I think I have 10 more quests to get the achievement. I've run Ramps once as DPS (spec'd Protection), and I plan on running Blood Furnace once as well. As soon as I get the quest achievement, I'll bolt for the cool, refreshing mushrooms of Zangarmarsh.

My main goal in playing this toon was to get her Blacksmithing up to a level that I could make the next couple of Enchanting rods for my priest, but I've found that in the process, I really like playing a Pally. At least soloing with a Pally; group play is ok (and I was second on the DPS meter on that Ramps run to the tank), but I prefer to play solo.

An interesting observation is that I've spent 5 levels in Hellfire Penn (58-63) and may even ding 64 before I'm done with the area (I'm including a Blood Furnace run in the mix.) With that leveling speed, and taking some time to Mine enough ore to level my Blacksmithing, I don't think I'll make it to Terokkar before I'm eligible to head to Coldlands.

So, I'm forcasting two complete areas, 4 instance runs (Ramps, BF, Slave Pens, and Underbog), and enough mining to get up to Northrend levels = ~level 68. Speedy leveling indeed! When I didn't make it out of Zangarmarsh with my hunter Daxen, I figured it was because I had run so many instances, but that won't be the case with the Pally.

I now have:
74 Hunter, Rysteranch, Skinning/Leatherworking
70 Hunter, Daxen, Mining/Jewelcrafting
64 Priest, Daxea, Tailoring/Enchanting
63 Paladin, Daxynn, Mining/Blacksmithing
60 Death Knight, Vancomyacin, Herbalism/Inscription
44 Druid, Daxenos, Herbalism/Alchemy
38 Rogue, Daxxy, Mining/Skinning (PvPer)
13 Mage, Daxeo, Mining/Engineering

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