Saturday, March 21, 2009

#400 post. Big deal....

...But!! There is a big deal that happened today!!

Yeah, the Pox Redux group got together, and I showed everyone what a noob I am. Sure, I can charge into a bunch of level 18s when I'm 15 and die. Yay on me.

We were able to get all of the Defias questline done up to completing Deadmines, and we did have time to take down the first two bosses. I had to jet really quick after the second boss, so I'm not sure who picked up the drops (they weren't pally friendly). But other than my stupid mistake, I think we all had a good time. I'll try to write up more later.

The real big deal that happened today is.....

We learned the TANGO!!!! WOOOOOOOOT!!!!

Yeah, we only know the basic step and one little move, but still, WE CAN DANCE TANGO!!! So far, I am loving this dance! It's sort of a "I love you/I hate you" kind of dance. Lots of attitude. And loads of fun!



Anonymous said...

Grats on 400! And the Tango. I hear it takes two...har har lame joke..

Anonymous said...

WTB posts. It R bin 4 dayz.