Thursday, May 15, 2008

Raid pressure

After reading BRK's post this morning, I saw one of the reasons I've left raiding behind. Regardless of the amount of kidding, joking, or lightheartedness thrown into the jab at Ratshag by BRK, the implied pressure is there.

This pressure is meant to create a desire to raid or miss out on loot.

This pressure is meant to create a desire to be there or miss out on fun.

This pressure is meant to place a higher priority on the game than on real life.

This pressure is meant to ensure that next time, the would be raider is willing to drop other plans in order to be in the raid.

This pressure sucks.

If BRK had simply applied the pressure in game, in whispers to Rats, I would see it differently, but by broadcasting it on his blog, I see it for what it is: manipulation and pressure.

Once again, I'm glad I'm out of that environment, and I'm saddened that I've lost a bit of respect for BRK.


Dammerung said...

I saw it as a response to Ratshag's conversation post from the day before.

Sort of a bah poke me I'll poke you back!

Rusty said...

Dammy double commented, which I'm sure he didn't mean to do, so I deleted the repeat.

As far as I can tell, Rats' post exerted no pressure on BRK to do anything, but having been part of a "casual" raiding guild, I can recognize the squeeze when I see it.

A hardcore guild usually doesn't use these tactics as everyone knows the deal, show up, on time, and prepared or get the /gkick.

The casual raiding guilds usually rely more on manipulation and subtle pressure to accomplish the same thing.

Obviously, the raid went on without Rats, so I'm sure BRK wasn't intending to pressure Rats because of numbers. Regardless of his intent, by posting it on his blog, BRK crossed the line from a harmless jab to applying real or implied pressure to raid.

Anonymous said...

I think you're taking yourself and that post much too seriously, and if you lost respect for BRK, then that's YOUR fault for not being able to see the joke for what it is.

Jason said...

I agree with you Sade, Dax is being way too over the top.

Anonymous said...

@Sade and Jason: Umm, he's allowed to's his blog. :p

Rusty said...

@Sade and Jason: I'm sure that you saw my recognition of the joke both in my comments on BRK's blog, as well as this one. I also recognize that this kind of joking is also used to pressure people into raiding and when confronted, the joker always says (say it with me) "It was only a joke", thereby absolving themselves of any consequences of their actions.

As an aside, I disagree with you on how serious I should take myself; I mean, really, what business of it is yours on how serious I am? Am I to take your advice and lighten up - for what purpose or reason? Am I not allowed to take a joke and expose it for what it appears to be because it goes against the grain of the community?

When you have experienced what I've experienced, then, by all means advise away. Until you know where I'm coming off.

Amava said...

I had similar sentiments while reading that post. Sure, its written all tongue-in-cheek and intended to be entertainment for the audience, but it actually does express a big part of what I don't like about the game.

And the scary part is that Blizzard basically mastered the concept of encouraging us to apply peer pressure on our fellow players, thus keeping the monthly subscriptions coming.

In the past, games used to have a PAUSE button, where you could suspend the action, take care of real life, and then at a time of your choosing, return to your games.

I truely hope that future MMO's find a different way to provide us fantasy entertainment in a social setting, while at the same time, collecting a fair payment for that service.

No matter how self-proclaimed "casual" a player says he/she is, raiding in WoW invariably goes too far and brings out many of the worst sides of human social interactions.

Beowulfa said...

I read BRK's post, scrolled down my AAA reader, read yours, then had to go back and read his. I wasn't really awake when I read his the first time so I had no opinion, but upon reading it the second time I see your point and flinched a bit.

I love the Sidhe Devils. No pressure ....