Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sunny weather

I had to stop at the house at the 3 mile mark for water; I was parched! Even with that drink, I still slowed down as I was panting in the 70 degree heat. By the time I got home, I was seriously in need of fluid; that's one thing I really need to manage better.

It might be time to get some sort of fluid belt to run with. I know my coach has one for his longer runs, and eventually, I'll need one for my longer runs if I decided to venture outside of my neighborhood.

This is the last run until Saturday and my first 15K race. I'm hoping to finish under 5 hours...set the bar low, so that you will be sure to achieve it. Fiiiiiiiiiive Hooooooouuuuuuurrrrrrzzzzz.

I can do that.

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