I ended up going to GENCON on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, as I had planned. On Thursday, I got to see Jay and Robin!!! Woot! We all gabbed as Jay and I played Magic: The Gathering (I played his green deck - this will feature prominently in the narrative later on.)
So, the big news for the entire CON was how I made money by playing Magic: The Gathering (shortened to Magic from here on out.)
See, on Friday, I decided to participate in a couple of draft games. In a draft, eight players get three booster packs of 14 cards each for a total of 42 cards (and unlimited land cards) with which to make a minimum 40 card deck.
The idea is that the first booster pack is opened, and each player selects the card they want the most from the pack, then everyone passes the remaining cards to the player on their left. The process continues that way until there are no more cards to pick. The second pack is then opened and the draft continues in the opposite direction (for this example, pass right), and finally, the third pack is opened and passed in the original direction.
So, since I knew sort of how to play a green deck, I picked green cards for my drafts. I put together an all green deck with all green lands.
Once everyone has their deck together, then the tournament is a simple 8 person bracket with winners playing winners until only one remains. Usually, the last two winners reported a split so each received 5 booster packs.
Well, that first match, I lost. Each match is the best 2 out of three, and I actually won the second game. I was very fortunate in drawing a very forgiving opponent who was happy to teach me more about the game and how the cards worked.
Fast forward to the next draft (each draft cost $14 to play, but we kept our decks except for the lands), once again, I'm pulling greens when upon opening the second pack, I find a card I've never seen before...and it's a foil version.
8/16/10: Dang, I've been working on this blog post for too long. Long story short, I made $100 from getting two super rare cards drafting; I had a great time at GenCon; and I can't wait to go next year. Geez, was that so hard to write? /sigh.