Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Stalkers...I haz dem

Ever since Friday, I have had two stalkers that I've noticed in game. So far they haven't made any real threats, and on a couple of occasions, they've really helped me out, so I don't think I'll be reporting them or anything.

It started on Friday with a whisper on Suramar.

The whispering continued on Saturday.

And later on that night, I saw that they had been invited into The Ebon School (that's Kael'thas for those of you late to the party)!

On Sunday, they were both in the raid for a couple of bosses...

Last night, one of them wiped a couple of times on Sin with us.

So, I just want to officially recognize the fact that my favorite stalkers, Jay and Robin, are not only baaaaaaaaack, they're in my guild, stealin' mai epix!

Oh, we're gonna have a lot of fun....heh heh...

Speaking of which, last night, I let the guild in on one of my favorite jokes. It goes like this:

[Guild]: Hey, my anus is really chapped. (I usually prefer to be more subtle like "Ouch, ate too much hot food last night and it's burning on the way out")

(then a second or two later)[Guild]: anyone got some chapstick I can borrow? I'll give it right back.

Then, when ever a guildy logs on, ask if I can borrow their chapstick. It was pretty funny last night as half the guild urged them to let me and the other half was warning them not to...BTW, thanks for loaning me your chapstick, Robin! I stuck it back in your purse...

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