The last perspective in this series is usually the first
perspective that people try to understand about a passage of Scripture:
What is God's message for today?
What is interesting is that the time-locked message, at one
time, was a timely message. In fact, one could say that both the time-locked
and timeless messages that have been found in this study have been timely
messages; there have been applications for today derived from each of them.
The timely message certainly is not static and can change
greatly depending on the reader's (audience's) situation in life and maturity
in Christ.
Questions to ask in a timely study:
1. How does this passage correlate to my life?
2. Does my life correlate to the passage?
3. How can I relate to the events/teaching in this part of
4. Does the text teach me about God and thereby enlighten my
5. Does the text teach me about myself and my actions?
6. Am I convicted by Scripture that points out sin?
7. How does this passage draw me closer to God?
8. Is there an example to follow? To avoid?
9. How am I encouraged in my walk with God by this passage?
10. Does the passage teach a timely principle or idea that I
can use in my life?
Timely study shines the light of today upon God's timeless
Word. We see it through the lens of our position in Christ as well as the light
of all of Scripture. Remember, though, timely study is not about making
connections that aren't there and reading into Scripture things that God never
meant. There are plenty of teachings that force the square peg of Scripture
through the round hole of skewed applications; that should never be.
Rather, as we prayerfully consider the Word of God, we allow
the Holy Spirit to bring to mind the application that He can use to mold us
into the image of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Consider 2 Timothy 3:16-17 All
Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for
correction, for training in righteousness; 17 so that the man of God may be adequate,
equipped for every good work. God's Word
should have an effect on His children, and He uses it in all four of the ways
mentioned above: for teaching, reproof, correction, and training in
righteousness, to grow us in maturity.
In searching out the timely
message, remember also, there is one interpretation and many applications.
There is no such thing as "What this passage means to me";
there is only "What this passage means" and "How this passage applies
to me".