Wednesday, June 15, 2011

River Fartleks, or if you prefer, Zoo Fartleks

This run was downtown around the White river and past the Zoo. I had some time to kill after work as my youngest son is in a workshop at IUPUI until 4:30. What better way to kill time than to run!!

If you compare this to my last Wed's run, you'll be impressed with it being a minute faster. Upon closer examination, though, you'll be disappointed that the time I gained was in my warm up and cool down miles. My actual Fartleks were slower; well, I mean, I covered less ground in the allotted time. The key stat is that last .91 miles; last week it was .89.

BUT! I have excuses!! Or an excuse. Last night our workout was...LEGS! We did sitting squats as one of our first exercises, and I maxed out at 4 reps of 320 lbs. /flex! So, I'm not too disappointed that my sprints weren't quite up to speed.

My trainer bet that I couldn't/wouldn't do them...ha!

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