Friday, October 15, 2010

Race Jitters and Future Thoughts

It has been quite a long time since my last physical competition. I think it was a volleyball game back in the 90's.

In all of my bike riding, I never entered a race. Also, in all my life, I've never entered a running race.

I'm a little nervous about tomorrow. I know I'll finish, and that well under 35 minutes (hopefully under 30), no, what I'm nervous about is the unknown.

Am I going to get jostled around, stepped on, elbowed, and generally beat up by my fellow competitors in their jockeying for position?

I've always run on an almost empty stomach; will eating breakfast a couple of hours before the race cause me problems?

I'm glad that my father-in-law is running the 1/2 marathon; he'll keep me on target as far as getting to the race on time.

I'm 90% certain that I'll be signing up for the Mini Marathon here in Indy. Only an extremely bad experience tomorrow would make me think twice about it.

I'm planning on running 5K races in November as well as December. Then assuming I sign up for the Mini, I'll run a 5K in Feb, a 10K in Mar, and a 15K in Apr as part of my training.

I'm looking for marathons in Aug or Sep. I'd like to run one next year. I'd also really like to run the Mayor's Marathon in Anchorage in 2012, depending on how my first one goes.

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