Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The gearing process

Daxea went from a 2900ish gear score on Friday to just over 4100 gear score as of yesterday. Not too bad, if I do say so myself. Of that gearing, only one piece required me to rob Daxie, Dwarfvader, and Daxxy to pay, erm, for the crafted Crusader bracers.

Now, I'm wondering if for my soloing old content, if PvP gear might be better due to the higher stamina, with some defense or dodge or stamina gems in the sockets. Now I know that I hopefully won't have to be tanking the mobs, but I'm sure I'll take a shot or two in the process. And also, I know my pet gets contributions from my stats, so the more stamina I have, the more my pet will have. Anyways, just thinkin'....

Daxie went to the Ruby Sanctum and saved the day. Yay. The iLevel 271 haste trinket dropped; I only had 200 DKP, so I didn't win it. /sadface. I am doing significantly better on the damage chart though. We have yet to get in a fresh ICC run due to the holiday and the RS work, so I'm not sure how significant my improvement is yet.

It's been 4 weeks since my last fingernail biting incident; I should make a gadget for the sidebar...

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