Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Word of Warning

So, if you happen to get grouped with Daxxy and are not the tank (ergo you are DPS), don't be surprised when you take it upon yourself to "tank" a group that the tank has not pulled and you don't get any heals.

No amount of "I could have taken them if I had some heals" will convince me to heal you for the rest of the instance. I will rez you only because it's faster than hearing you whine and complain about not getting heals while you run back.

It's one thing if DPS pulls off the tank either due to tank crappiness or 1337 DPS or shoddy mismanagement of aggro dumps. I'll heal that up to a point. But when a DPS decides to grab a group when the other four people have gone off in another direction, I'm not going to go back to heal them just to get beat on because of their stupidity.

Am I a diva? Probably, but someone has to let the DPS know where they stand in the order of (healing) things. Tanks first, me second, and the DPS dead last. Take a pot.

This public service announcement brought to you by healing Druids, Priests, Shammies, and Pallies everywhere.

(BTW, at the end of the instance, the tank said that I was his HERO. /giggle)


Fal's Folies said...

Dax hasn't it always been this way

Rusty said...

It has, Grai, I just figured the Eye Dee Ten Tees could use a reminder.